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Webinaire OUVEMA Pontevedra: The City We Want, the City We Make

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Demetrio Gómez Xunqueira (Councillor for Mobility and Urban Works)

Daniel Macenlle Díaz (General Director of Citizen Security)
Pontevedra City Council

Like many cities in the world, Pontevedra was, before 1999, crowded by cars, noise, pollution, inconvenience and danger were ever present. As a consequence, the weakest (elderly, children,..) had been expelled from squares and streets because they were at risk when they used public space. Such a situation was in need of a swift action on our part. We wanted a healthy and safe city in which people could be more autonomous and get together because social cohesion is essential for the proper functioning of a community.

To achieve this aims we have adopted a mobility-focused approach. This was the key of our urban transformation process. Starting from a global perspective, where people were at the centre of our policies, we reversed the traditio- nal scale of priorities regarding to the use of public space.

We will speak about what our objectives were, the mea- sures undertaken in order to achieve them, likewise, we will show the results we have got by applying these policies.

It is possible for disorganized cities, unsuitable for habi- tation, to become safe, kind, healthy, comfortable and pleasant cities.


Cycle de webinaires sur la marche

« Espace public en mouvement » est le titre du nouveau cycle de webinaires de l’Observatoire universitaire du vélo et des mobilités actives de l’Université de Lausanne (OUVEMA), en partenariat avec Mobilité piétonne Suisse.

Scheduled Events Mobilité piétonne Canton de Vaud


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Contact Suisse romande

Mobilité piétonne Suisse
Association des piétons
1000 Lausanne

Tél. 043 488 40 30
